Bridge Dental

Dental bridge is another treatment to replace the missing teeth. It is similar to crown but aimed for multiple teeth.

Bridge Types

  • Traditional Dental Bridge , this type of bridge made of porcelain mixed with either metal or ceramic, can be used to replace the missing teeth on the natural teeth and implanted teeth, or implanted teeth on both sides.
  • Cantilever Dental Bridge , this bridge is used when there is one natural tooth next to the missing gap, popular for the molar position.
  • Maryland Dental Bridge , maryland bridge made of porcelain and metal composites. It is popular for missing front teeth.

Dental bridges materials

  • Metal or gold
  • Ceramic crown on metal or gold
  • Pure ceramic

Who needs Bridge ?

  • Those who has damaged multiple consecutive front or molar teeth
  • Those who has front teeth extraction and normal gum condition

Appointments for Bridge Treatment

First Appointment

  1. Inject an anesthetic, drill, and polish the aiming area.
  2. The color, x-ray, and send the impression to the laboratory to make the permanent bridge.
  3. Try-in temporary bridge.

Second Appointment

try-in permanent bridge

Third Appointment

Follow-up appointment to check the bridge condition after use.

Duration of the bridge

It takes about 1-2 weeks to produce the bridge.

Lifespan of bridge

Bridge can last for 5-10 years depends on the aftercare and regular dental visits.


Is it true that the bridge will prevent the teeth from falling ?

A : Not only the bridge can replace the missing teeth, it also prevents the teeth from falling.

A : If you have swollen gum or irritation, we recommend you to wash your mouth with normal saline solution 3 times a day.

A : Dental bridge is not recommended for those who have oral disease such as periodontal disease. The patient should treat this disease before cementing the bridge.

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