On-site Sharing Session: Invisalign 101 Clear Braces Like a Pro “Start the Journey with Confidence” at TDH Dental, Canvas Branch, Ploenchit, 6th Floor

On September 23, 2024, the orthodontist team from TDH Dental organized an On-site Sharing Session: Invisalign 101, Clear Braces Like a Pro “Start the Journey with Confidence” at TDH Dental, Canvas branch, Ploenchit, 6th floor, which is the newest branch of TDH Dental that excels in creating a space for exchanging knowledge and experiences from dentist to dentist on an international level.

Led by the Black Diamond Provider award-winning dentist team for 7 consecutive years of TDH Dental, the team focused on providing knowledge and sharing techniques in many important topics, such as the basic principles of Invisalign clear braces, tooth movement with clear braces, techniques for reducing gaps between teeth using various devices, and designing a workflow that is appropriate for current patients.

In addition, effective communication techniques were shared between dentists and their teams, including communication with patients, which is one of the important factors that helps increase patient confidence and create a good treatment experience.

This training aims to enhance knowledge and experience for dentists working in various clinics, as well as those involved. To improve the service and care for patients to be most effective.

“We are committed to being the number 1 dental clinic in your heart with quality treatment and professional service.”